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About us

In 2023, changemakers in Johannesburg and Cape Town engaged in a robust dialogue on economic systems change, and social and climate justice initiatives on the continent at the Afrikan Liberation Dinners by the Makers Valley Partnership and Wellbeing Economy Alliance. One resounding request from the dinners was to have space for continued collective engagements. In response, the Afrikan Liberation Hub emerges with the aim to be the beating heart of a movement based in Southern Afrika that unites, amplifies, and catalyses change and collaboration across the continent.

Our Vision

Our vision is to see Afrika liberated from colonial fingerprints and oppression, guided by indigenous values and dancing to the rhythm of collective prosperity. Our vision is an Afrika (and world) in which all people and especially black people: Afrikans are free to live the full ambit of their humanness, recognising the interdependence of all living beings to each other and the planet on which we live. We believe that Afrika's diverse tapestry, woven with resilience, unity, and wisdom, will illuminate a path to a future where liberation, justice, and abundance flourish for all beings.

Our Purpose

The Afrikan Liberation Hub aims to be the beating heart of a movement based in Southern Afrika that unites, amplifies, and catalyses change and collaboration across the continent. Our purpose is to foster unity, amplify voices, and ignite change by creating a space where diverse voices harmonise and the flames of transformation are ignited. We are committed to nurturing a community where stories blend into a powerful narrative of hope and where the chemistry of collaboration for Afrikan Liberation through Economic Systems Change occurs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to co-create pathways toward Afrika's future that echo melodies of Afrikan liberation, anti-colonial justice, and decolonised wellbeing. We aim to embrace and build on the ancestral knowledge that reverberates through our cultures, forging a journey towards a wellbeing economy that places people and the planet at its core. Through co-created vibrant Gatherings, dynamic dialogues, and grassroots initiatives, we aim to transcend the limitations of the past, reimagining the future of Afrika for us and future generations.

Our guiding principles include:

Afrikan Liberation

Unmasking neocolonialism in current Western development agendas and advocating for self-determined, liberatory and united trajectories for Afrikan nations.


Rooted in Black radical liberation, embracing the interconnectedness of all life and recognising each other's full being as a basis for relating in ways that foster Afrikan harmony, community and wholeness 


Affirming and promoting the liberatory value of Afrikan cultures, histories, herstories, our stories, thinking, knowledge, practices, and traditions

Radical Engagement

Recognising that the status quo works only for a few and being open to diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and voices seeking egalitarian alternatives

Economic Transformation

Advocating for economic systems that prioritise justice, radical redistribution, decolonised, feminist values, and the wellbeing of all beings; 


Working in unity with communities, initiatives and movements of the continent, the global majority, and beyond to empower people to actively participate in shaping the destiny of current and future generations.

Hopeful Activism

Infusing our actions with hope, optimism, and the unwavering belief in a brighter future.


Nurturing and restoring ecosystems and reclaiming economies for sustained and transformative wellbeing.


Bringing awareness to the layered identities in Afrikan, associated systemic oppressions and individual privileges.

Our brand identity

Our brand identity is deeply rooted in the historical significance of Afrikan colours and symbols, infused with contemporary meanings that resonate with our mission and vision. Our logo features radiating spokes converging at a central point, symbolising unity and the interconnectedness of Afrikan communities. The circular shape at the centre signifies the Hub as a converging point for the pathways toward Afrika's future, catalysing change and collaboration across the continent and supporting Afrikan liberation, anti-colonial justice, and decolonised wellbeing.


Our logo

Our logo is also the Ananse Ntontan (Ntentan) or “spider’s web” symbol from Akan culture that represents wisdom and creativity. This symbol aligns with our aim to embrace and build on historic and present knowledge and understanding of life’s complexities in our mission to usher in economic systems change. To further reflect this upliftment of knowledge sharing, the touch of purple in our design reflects Afrika’s deep cultural heritage and wisdom shared across communities and generations. 

The use of "K" in Afrika reflects our commitment to authenticity and respect for our linguistic heritage, symbolising a kind of Lingua Afrikana and common understanding among Afrikans like the words Azania, Ubuntu, Uhuru, and Asante. Afrika is not foreign to us, and we want to highlight the tradition on the continent of spelling Afrika with a "K”, communicating a movement shifting away from repressive society and culture towards Uhuru.


Our colours


While traditionally symbolising the blood that was shed in the struggles for liberation, for the Afrikan Liberation Hub, red also embodies vibrancy, life (“bophelo”) and life giving  energy. It represents the passion, power, and vitality we aim to bring and highlight in our communities. Red is a beacon of the dynamic spirit we inject into every event and initiative, reflecting our unwavering commitment to driving impactful change, always honouring those whose blood was spilt in this quest.


Green is the colour of growth, life and land. It evokes hope, symbolising our connection to the natural world and our grounding to the land of Afrika. It represents the flourishing of indigenous knowledge systems, ideas and the nurturing of sustainable practices. Green heralds our commitment to environmental stewardship and the cultivation of a future where both our communities and ecosystems thrive.


Gold or yellow represents the wealth of the continent and the wealth of its people. It represents our dreams, future, and survival. It is the colour of aspiration and the relentless pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. Gold embodies the warmth of our shared experiences and the joy we find in our cultural heritage. It is a testament to our resilience and the enduring spirit of Afrikan people, symbolising our journey towards a future filled with hope and prosperity.


While black has always stood for the Afrikan people, protest, and resistance, we also view it as the realm of endless possibilities. It signifies the dark space of infinite creativity, akin to the process of developing a photograph from film, where ideas are formed before being brought to light. Black is the foundation of our innovative spirit, symbolising the potential and creativity that lie within our collective efforts. Black is the colour that cannot be absorbed by any others and we claim this cognitive and political power as Afrikans.

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